Municipal Airport 
Chartered 1937
Gordonsville VA

EAA1563 Minutes 2016 February 20

EAA Chapter Meeting: Febrary 20, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President, Fred Rollins, at 1205

Members present: 18

The Minutes from the Jan. 9, 2016, meeting were accepted as submitted

Treasurer’s Report by Skip Degan:

The balance after the addition of the dues payments he had received will be $1,225.00.

Airport News:

Seth Cassaday reported that at CHO Landmark Aviation was bought out by Signature

The Virginia Dept. of Aviation along with the Dept. of Transportation has posted a “Welcome” sign at the entrance to GVE.

The Meeting was closed at 1215.

Program:  Bob Ross’s presentation on ADS-B.

Respectfully Submitted,

Judy Elias, Secretary