Municipal Airport 
Chartered 1937
Gordonsville VA


EAA 1563 Minutes 2015 November 21

eaa12016bChapter1563 Minutes: November 2015

EAA Chapter 1563
Membership Meeting Minutes
November 21, 2015

Meeting called to order by President, Fred Rollins, at 1205
20 members were present

The Minutes from the Sept. 19, 2015, meeting were accepted as submitted.

A discussion was initiated regarding the regularity and location of meetings. It was suggested that the hangar under the residence be used due to the proximity of food prep and storage facilities as well as the propane heater. It was suggested that the club try to meet in Louisa and Charlottesville in addition to our current habit of Gordonsville and Orange. It was also suggested that we fix the 3rd Sat. of every month as our meeting time in order that members might be able to arrange their schedules in advance to be able to attend meetings.

Other Airport Reports:
Shannon's Fly-In was over the top this year. For future reference, it is usually scheduled the end of Oct.
No other reports

eaa12016Town News Chris Colby
1. Chris asked for feedback on the octane rating preference for fuel should it become available. The choices were between 100 or 94 octane. The Town is interested in the possible sale of fuel to the community at large from the airport facility. The members present seemed to prefer 100 octane.
2. Runway: The Town is talking with the Commonwealth about possible funding sources
3. The Town is interested in seeking National Historic designation for the large hangar as it was on the airport grounds sometime in the 1930's,
4. The 80th anniversary of the Gordonsville Airport is in 2017. The current Lease agreement ends in 2016.
5. There was a brief discussion about Town coordination for the celebration of Airport Day.

Skip Safety Chat:
Skip reported on the FAA presentation at OMH that he attended:
The FAA rep. said that the FAA is no longer performing ramp checks on aircraft. Their focus for compliance will be Certified aircraft used for noncommercial purposes not experimental aircraft.
CFR 43 Appendix A provides guidance for maintenance items which can be performed by owners themselves.
1. The owner performing such approved items must have the aircraft manual in possession.
2. The use of an A&P to supervise the owner's work must meet the easy access criteria.
3. The owner must make sure that the work performed is properly documented.
4. The pilot/owner is the person responsible for making sure that the aircraft is airworthy.
5. Items which are deferred must be rendered inoperable with a notation in the Logbook. If the item is intended to be left deferred, a note is required on every annual inspection.

Lee Fox brought up for discussion several recent aircraft accidents in the local area.

Treasurer's Report:
The balance in the checkbook is unchanged. Annual dues of $20.00 are due Jan. 1, 2016.

Meeting was Adjourned at 1255

Respectfully Submitted,

Judy Elias, Secretary