Gordonsville Municipal Airport

Gordonsville Municipal Airport is in Orange County, Virginia, and owned and managed by the Town of Gordonsville.
The airport was chartered in 1937 (see at right), but we have found documentation and charts to support GVE’s existence as early 1935. The town of Gordonsville first purchased the airport in 1937 as a currently operating airport/landing field (which proves the field was active prior to 1937). A bank purchased the airport/landing field from a farmer prior to the air strip being sold to the city. Three plantation owners were known to use the field before it was sold to the city. (Gordonsville, VA court house documents)
Gordonsville Municipal Airport can be found on some of the first sectional charts as early as 1935 and can be viewed at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum archives.
The below video was produced by the now defunct GAPS (Gordonsville Airport Preservation Society). GAPS spear-headed the renaissance of the Gordonsville Airport. This organization, though no longer official, was instrumental in bringing attention to the historical and economical value of the airport to the community.
Town Of Gordonsville Website
News posts:
Airport Layout Plan and AWOS
Gordonsville Town Council meets February 20, 2012 Consideration of airport layout plan update to include AWOS location. 1. Agenda Item 11b: Consideration of Airport Layout Plan Update to Include AWOS Location Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF): Town envisions future t-hangars and taxilanes, per page 2 drawing in attachment. “BACKGROUND:
Airport Charter:
Langley Hangar