Gordonsville Town Council meets February 20, 2012
Consideration of airport layout plan update to include AWOS location.
1. Agenda Item 11b: Consideration of Airport Layout Plan Update to Include AWOS Location
Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF): Town envisions future t-hangars and taxilanes, per page 2 drawing in attachment.
Attached is a copy of a proposed update to the Gordonsville Airport Layout Plan (ALP) to show the
location of the proposed AWOS-3 at the airport. This is the same proposed location Council has
seen previously and which was submitted to the FAA for airspace and frequency review in 2011.
The Virginia Department of Aviation (DOAV) requires that all Sponsors update their ALP prior to
approving any final design on this project. Delta Airport Consultants submitted the ALP updates to
the DOAV on January 18, 2012; however, the DOAV also would like the Town to concur with the
proposed location. No other items on the Gordonsville ALP will be affected by this update. The
location of future t-hangar and pavements are shown on the updated plan to demonstrate that they
will not conflict with the proposed AWOS location.
Staff recommends the approval of the update to the Gordonsville Airport Layout Plan to show the
location of the proposed AWOS-3 at the airport.”
Attached is a copy of a proposed update to the Gordonsville Airport Layout Plan (ALP) to show the
location of the proposed AWOS-3 at the airport. This is the same proposed location Council has
seen previously and which was submitted to the FAA for airspace and frequency review in 2011.
The Virginia Department of Aviation (DOAV) requires that all Sponsors update their ALP prior to
approving any final design on this project. Delta Airport Consultants submitted the ALP updates to
the DOAV on January 18, 2012; however, the DOAV also would like the Town to concur with the
proposed location. No other items on the Gordonsville ALP will be affected by this update. The
location of future t-hangar and pavements are shown on the updated plan to demonstrate that they
will not conflict with the proposed AWOS location.
Staff recommends the approval of the update to the Gordonsville Airport Layout Plan to show the
location of the proposed AWOS-3 at the airport.”
2. Town Manager’s Report: Airport is TOP LINE ITEM
BLUF: Town is going to apply for FY2013 DOAV funding for runway rehabilitation project.
Staff recently met with the Department of Aviation (DOAV) to discuss the Airport’s capital
improvement needs. According to the last DOAV pavement study the runway paving has been graded
poor to failing. This issue must be addressed soon. Staff plans to apply for DOAV funding in fiscal
year 2013 to design a runway rehabilitation project and apply for construction funding in fiscal year
2014. The project scope for design would include a geotechnical study of the runway and some
engineering work that may need to be done because of possible bad soils. Construction would include
grading, repaving, and remarking the runway and installation of new runway lights. We are currently
acquiring cost estimates for the design work. It is difficult to determine an accurate construction cost
estimate before the design is complete. DOAV will pay 80% of the cost for design and construction.
The next most pressing capital need of the airport is obstructions in the southern transitional zone.
Trees that are further out from the original clearing area are approaching a height that would constitute
an obstruction. These trees are beyond the area that was cleared in 2008.
DOAV has changed their funding prohibition for revenue producing products such as credit card
readers for the fuel systems. The Airport Manager is looking into purchasing a credit card reader this
fiscal year for the airport fuel system. The Airport Manager will provide the 33% match required for
the DOAV funding.
The maintenance agreement for the AWOS system has been executed and submitted to VDOT. DOAV is working to
install over 20 systems throughout the state. Currently, all of the proposed sites are going through FAA review. Once FAA
has approved the sites DOAV must apply for a FCC frequency for each one of the sites and finalize cost projections for
purchase and installation of the systems. Prior to the installation of the equipment each airport will be required to sign
another grant agreement whereby the airport will be committing to keeping the airport open and the equipment operational
during the life of the equipment, which is about twenty years. The FCC process could be lengthy and it is conceivable that
the equipment could be installed for a few months before it is actually operational.”