Airport Advisory Committee

AAC Formation

In 2015, the Gordonsville Town Council voted to give the Mayor, Bob Coiner, authority to appoint an Airport Advisory Committee.  The general purpose of this committee was to provide recommendations on sustaining, improving, and operating the town-owned Gordonsville Municipal Airport.  More specifically, the committee was immediately tasked with advising on the rehabilitation of the airport.  At that point in time, the airport was in decline, having been neglected for many years by the airport leaseholder (contract now expired.    The runway pavement was in poor repair, with several large cracks spanning the width of the runway, the lighting was aging, the Langley Hangar and T-Hangars were in need of repairs, and the fuel facility defunct.

While the AAC has no authority, it provides recommendations and guidance through the renovation process.  The Committee works with the Airport Layout Plan, which is provided by consultants Talbert and Bright.  The Layout Plan is forward looking, providing a framework for airport improvements and maintenance for the next 10

Future Plans

While the major runway renovation is complete, Gordonsville is continuing to develop the airport.  A number of improvement projects are anticipated, including new tie-down areas, a new fuel farm, new T-hangars, and new “box” hangars.

The current fuel tank facility is obsolete and non-functional.  The new fuel farm is predicated on an expansion of the tie-down area, with location of the fueling station on the north edge of the new tie-down area, which will be just north of the current taxiway and east of the main apron.

Currently there is a great shortage of hangar space in Virginia with waiting lists dozens deep, including Gordonsville Muni where the current (Feb. 2025) waiting list is 25 deep. The new T-hangars and box hangars will help alleviate this need; it is anticipated that they will be immediately filled before they are even finished.  They will eventually be placed, along with necessary taxiways, just south of the existing T-hangars, partly on space donated by the Virginia Department of Transportation, from their facility between the airport and US15.  

AAC News

Airport Renovation

Need some details and graphics on the renovation process.

Include the action items, priorities, and projected dates where available.